Monday, June 14, 2010


The story behind this is simple. I had got into a serious argument with an ex-girlfriend of mines. Someone who is seriously intent on making my life hell and has tried over and over to come back into my life and build communication with me. I simply ain't havin' that. To me...what's done is done, not in ALL cases, but the thing is..she is someone that I don't necessarily see myself having any kind of communication or bond with, because nothing extended out of a physical connection. Sorry...but its true.

So I wrote this right after the conversation was over. Took about a couple of minutes. Then I went to sleep, woke up, and I recorded it. The quality could use work (the hissing in the background) but its definitely a step up then all of the other stuff that I recorded at home. It's gonna improve as I go along.

So for right it is.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is "unthinkable" is the fact that you refuse to trust in my love for you!
