Thursday, November 18, 2010


Diggy Simmons- {Shook Ones Freestyle} from philthegod. on Vimeo.

This seems to be everyone's favorite beat to rhyme on...give it a rest!!!! But I give respect where respect is due...and this kid is the TRUTH....keep your eyes on the Preemo cameos.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


With everything that I have heard over the last couple of days, how this maybe Kanye's BEST album, how this is an instant classic, with Rolling Stone giving it the 5-star rating, Nodima (fellow reviewer) going from giving it 4 1/2 stars to 5 stars...I was whether this was all just know post-Taylor Swift, I often question the motives of entertainment media nowadays, when it comes to Kanye. But...I gotta say...I am definitely convinced...and this song (that I thought was gonna crash and burn) is so epic, so many sounds and so many voices clashing that it is a collage of nothing but pure beauty...

I know it sounds like I'm bullshitting 'cause I been on my Kanye fix for the last couple of months, but I think this goes to show, that we NEED artists such as him in this God-forsaken, copy/paste, been there done that art that we call modern music. Who do you know is willing to put it ALL on the line, other than a few other rappers..(perhaps Jay, maybe Em, definitely Wayne, Drake wants to, Cudi, Nicki, etc. tries to)....let's face it....NOBODY....................NOBODY!!!!!! doing what the fuck this dude is doing right now. Milwaukee artists, take notes, and push that envelope, and quit jockin' off what others have done before you.

Kanye West - All Of The Lights [mash-up video] from 5846 Productions on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010



I listened to this on the bus ride home from work yesterday. Hearing "Doomsday" reminded me of two things. One, Operation: Doomsday, truly did inspire a lot of these rappers (me included) to buy a $5 computer recording mic from Radio Shack and make an album with the crappiest sound quality. The other, being that I don't think people truly realize or appreciate that DOOM can drop some "notable quotables" sometimes...

"Shook niggas turn witness/Real men's mind their own business"

.....Plus...the Sade sample/interpolation is just.....*MUAH* MANIFIQUE!...I think its spelled


You would think...because "Kiss Of Life" is sampled...this would be the song that's next in this playlist....BUT IT AIN'T...I had this on repeat for so long a couple weeks ago...because of both the lyrics, I'm pretty sure...speak volumes and relate to so many people, enduring these problems today...and the video...probably one of the most seductive and sexiest visuals that a lot of these Auto-Tuned prostitutes, wish they can replicate today.


This song came up next in my playlist, and it just took me back when my sister played the SHIT out of Brandy's debut. Same time I'm sure when Moesha first came on the air, and the poofed out ski jackets were seen everywhere I went. I don't know why I feel so nostalgic for then and apathetic for today's R&B scene (most of it anyways). Maybe I'm just over this skank contest I been seeing lately...that and most of them are going electro (blame David Guetta).

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So I had ran upon this on Okayplayer's message board and realized this was fucking amazing. Obvious answer yes, however, I think back to two years ago when I had a profile on DeviantArt and how I was on a major roll with my ideas and the execution of those ideas and how in the blink of an eye, it just......STOPPED. And then I always have these pictures forming in my brain, from the color of the image to the stories behind them, and somehow they just stay my brain....

I don't know if it is perhaps, writing has taken over my life so much compared to what sketching did, but I just need to find that inspiration again, where my pencil or pen are not creating words but images. Despite the fact that I feel my words paint pictures already...

Now, that I'm on the subject w/Dilla. I think it's time to bump some Fantastic, Vol. 2 and some Donuts to get me through the day.